POST NO. 002

December thru February is usually a pretty slow time around here, and to be honest, that can lead to some pretty tough emotions to go through. Let’s face it, money doesn’t buy happiness, but it buys the illusion of security and safety. When your belly is full, and your kids have on warm clothes, and you can take a warm shower, you feel safe … you feel secure. As a freelancer, income never comes in on a regular timetable. That check from your boss isn’t a thing. And sometimes no matter how hard you try, there’s a little downtime each year where there’s just not a check coming to you from anyone. This was a tough thing for me to get used to, having to trust that my safety and security be something that will come back at some point. I learned to save for that down time. People told me to use that time for other things like: learning new skills, working on ways to generate work, etc. Stuff that isn’t exactly creating income now, but will support me in earning for myself later on when I’m busy.
But still, there’s always a day here or there when that voice in my head says “what the fuck are you doing with your day? Make some money! Good god, why did you pick this line of work?! It’s so sporadic and subjective and absolutely 100% not necessary to the world!” I mean, yeah, I’m not a plumber. That’s something everyone needs. I’m rambling …

So yeah December thru February. I’m spending time on my portfolio. I’m painting. I’ve got a new mural on the horizon. And I’m drawing a lot. Back in October I got off of Instagram and it’s like when people quit cigarettes - for 3 or 4 days you jones for it, and then … boom, you don’t care anymore. AND you suddenly discover all of this free time that you used to waste staring at your fucking phone. My god, the years I wasted staring at my fucking phone. Rambling….

Here’s two drawings I made during my newly discovered free time:

Talk to you soon!
